Meet the triplets.
They love to travel and they are a LOT of fun!
Je vous presente les triplés.
Ils adorent voyager et ils s'amusent BEAUCOUP!
Meet the triplets.
They love to travel and they are a LOT of fun!
Je vous presente les triplés.
Ils adorent voyager et ils s'amusent BEAUCOUP!
I took this photo in June of 2011 in Washington Square Park, New York City.
It was immediately following the annual Dyke March.
More importantly, it was the day after the state of New York legalised same-sex mariage.
I had just moved to the city a couple of weeks earlier. And it was the beginning of a love affair with the city that never sleeps.
J'ai pris cette photo en juin 2011 à Washington Square Park, à New York.
C'était juste après la “Dyke March” annuelle.
Plus important encore, c'était le lendemain de la légalisation du mariage homosexuel à New York.