The ancient European city carved in stone.

Located in Southern Italy, Sassi di Matera may be ancient, but the city remains a bustling tourist destination to this day.

With a history that dates back over 10,000 years, Matera is believed to be one of the oldest continually inhabited settlements in the world.

If parts of Matera look familiar to you, that’s because the scenery has often been used by filmmakers as the setting for ancient Jerusalem in biblical films since the 1950s.

Over the course of its history, Matera has been occupied by Greeks, Romans, Longobards, Byzantines, Saracens, Swabians, Angevins, Aragonese, and Bourbons.

​​In 1993, Sassi di Matera was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Pizza heaven in Lyon’s new pizzaria MARIA.


Le paradis des pizzas dans la nouvelle pizzaria Lyonnais, MARIA.



This is Florian, looking after his bees in the Rhône-Alpes region.


Florian, qui s’occupe de ses abeilles en région Rhône-Alpes.

Les Gilets Jaunes.

Every Saturday the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) protesters take to the streets of Lyon.

Last Saturday (30/3) the riot police fired tear gas into the crowd at the famous Place Bellecour.


Tous les samedis, les manifestants Gilets Jaunes prend les rues de Lyon.

Samedi dernier (30/3), la police anti-émeute a lancé des gaz lacrymogènes dans la foule sur la Place Bellecour.


Kitchen Queens.

Mia, Marion, Lea. (Left to right)

These ladies will cook you the best meal you could ask for in Lyon.


Ces dames vous prépareront le meilleur repas que vous puissiez demander à Lyon.


French Laundry.

This is my friend and partner in crime, Wade.

Here he is waiting for his laundry in a village in the Pyrenees Mountains in southern France.


Mon ami et complice, Wade.

Ici, il attend son linge dans un village en bas des Pyrénéennes.


Bushfire season.

This photo was taken at Canadian Bay beach near Melbourne, Australia.

Every year Australia experiences intense Bushfires. And when the wind hits the smoke it can create a very eery haze.


Cette photo a été prise à la plage de Canadian Bay, près de Melbourne, en Australie.

Chaque année, l’Australie vit des incendies intenses. Et quand le vent emporte la fumée, il peut créer une brume très sinistre.


A celebration.

I took this photo in June of 2011 in Washington Square Park, New York City.

It was immediately following the annual Dyke March.

More importantly, it was the day after the state of New York legalised same-sex mariage.

I had just moved to the city a couple of weeks earlier. And it was the beginning of a love affair with the city that never sleeps.


J'ai pris cette photo en juin 2011 à Washington Square Park, à New York.

C'était juste après la “Dyke March” annuelle.

Plus important encore, c'était le lendemain de la légalisation du mariage homosexuel à New York.
